06 November, 2006

A conversation in reverse

The Cast:
Sydney, my almost-two-year-old cousin
Eleanor, me

The Scene:
Over Skype, half in America and half in France, at 5.30 pm my time

Sydney: No
Eleanor: Yes
Sydney: No
Eleanor: Yes
Sydney: No
Eleanor: I'm bigger than you, and what I say goes.
Sydney: No
Eleanor: Yes
Sydney: No
Eleanor: I'm going to ROME in three weeks!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!! you're going to ROME AND YOU DIDN"T TELL ME!!!!!!!!!!!!! Eleanor, do you have any idea how insanely jealous you just made me? AND I had to find out from your BLOG!?!?!?!?!?!?!? I blow a giant raspberry at you and then chase you around hitting you with a book, and I can get away with it because I'm allowed to be immature sometimes, and anyway you deserve it, and I hope my english teacher never, ever reads this. Buy me lots of presents and take lots of pictures and I MIGHT forgive you. THRPBBBT.

8:17 PM  
Blogger N said...

How did you figure out how to do bold and italics, darling? And of course I'll buy you lots of things. I always end up getting you something whenever I shop. So far I've got two presents for you and have plans for a third. If you have any special Rome requests do let me know. I'm not sure what you're wearing these days, not having seen you in, like, a couple months.

1:47 PM  

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