20 February, 2007

Rain. Wait, sun. No, rain. Wait...

The weather has been gloriously schizophrenic here lately. I have, of course, been taunting my friends on the East Coast and in Europe with the fact that it's been 70 and sunny (I went for a swim in the ocean on Friday. It was wonderful), but it's also been pouring rain. Today, for example, when I woke up the sky was blue and there were happy puffy white clouds, but when I finally got out of the house around 11.45 the mountains were shrouded in ominous-looking grey clouds and now it looks like it's going to rain any minute. This has happened at least twice in the past few days.

Really, this is ideal. It's warm often enough that I can do happy outside-y swimming-in-the-ocean type things, but then when I've gotten tired of that I get to curl up inside with a blanket and a cup of tea and watch it rain. Also, things dry out enough between each storm that we get the fresh-rain smell EVERY TIME. It's awfully nice here.


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